Erik Explains
Erik Explains offers insights into current events and sociopolitical systems from a unique perspective. I'm not here to change your mind - just offer a different perspective. What you do with it is up to you.
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Could Twitter have stopped the child porn?
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Values Taught in Anime

Better start teaching your children Japanese.

Consider the woke garbage lessons taught to your kids on American children's television.

Now contrast this with what Japanese kids are being taught, as the girl in this video tells off a guy pushing the "medical care is a right!" narrative and she explains why he's wrong.

They knew the withdrawal would be a disaster.

Always ask:

"Are they evil, or are they stupid?"

And then remember: They aren't stupid.

Thinking they are stupid is a trap they want you to fall into.

Happy 140th Birthday to Ludwig von Mises.
Doug Stanhope on "unacceptable" humor

As comedy slowly slides into unfunny wokeness hell, the last comedian standing (assuming he doesn't drop dead first, I mean just look at the guy; he's a trainwreck) will be Doug Stanhope. He closed out his recent special "The Dying of the Last Breed" with this bit on how important it is that we be able to make fun of anything. Because making fun.

Language warning, duh.

Doug Stanhope on "unacceptable" humor
Trump is forgetting Politics 101: It's the Economy, Stupid.

The number one economic goal of any President that's not a complete lunatic in the current situation should be creating a sense of stability.

Instead, Trump seems to want to drive straight off the cliff.

Right now, businesses don't know what to do. The tariff madness means many organizations can't project costs. If you can't project costs, you can't do business planning. If you can't do business planning, you sit still and wait. When a huge number of businesses go into "sit still and wait" mode at the same time, you create a recession.

Arbitrarily creating recessionary conditions when you're already going into a recession with real unemployment over 27% and real CPI over 10% is suicidally insane.

The downside of Trump is worse than the downside of Harris.

post photo preview
The State of the Union is precarious.

It's interesting to watch MAGA in full celebration mode before anything has locked in yet.

Yes, it certainly can all work out, but the penalty for Trump belly-flopping on the economy like he has with the Epstein files so far (does anybody even remember JFK or RFK?) is severe: he holds Congress by the narrowest of margins and if he loses it in the midterms his ass will be impeached and convicted by March 2027, Vance will be toothless and gelded, and the Dems come back with extreme vengeance in 2029. Beating two brain-dead candidates and engaging in conquest by Executive Order brings to mind a maxim of Niccolò Machiavelli: “Those who rise to power by good fortune, with little effort on their own part, find it easy to acquire power but difficult to maintain it.” Without underlying legislation to lock gains in place - which even his Republican congress seems extremely reluctant to give him - these changes will be swept away like sand castles by the tide as soon as the pendulum swings back. ...

A 50% military budget cut for US, China and Russia?

Donald Trump has proposed a trilateral commitment to cutting military budgets by 50% between the United States, Russia, and China.

I'm curious to see what the response to this will be, because my initial impression is that China and Russia would tell him to piss right off. Here's why:

China's 2024 defense budget: $224.8 billion
Russia's 2024 defense budget: $65.9 billion
US's 2024 defense budget: $820 billion

Aside from the magnitude, there's a very key difference: China and Russia don't have anywhere near the amount of fraud and waste in their budgets. The US can cut $410 billion and touch nothing but fat. The much leaner Russian and Chinese budgets wouldn't save nearly as much money, and would have far more material impacts on their operations.

It's a simply a far better deal for us than it is for them. If Trump offered to up the USA's cuts to 75% and keep Russia and China at 50% it would be much more equitable (and still a very desireable outcome).

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